Waking up is Easier with Bellman & Symfon Alarm Clocks
The Bellman & Symfon Alarm Clocks make waking up easier. With three models,
Pro, Visit, and Classic, you can select the clock that is right for you.
Find all three models at Harris Communications.
The Alarm Clock Pro (HC-BA-PROCLK) wakes you with high-intensity LED lights
and a powerful bed shaker that also emits sound from directly under the
pillow. The clock’s audible alarm spans multiple frequencies and slowly gets
louder and louder until you shut it off. This feature-rich clock includes a
“smart snooze”, a built-in phone ringer amplifier, and a nightlight
The Alarm Clock Visit (HC-BA-VISIT/CLK) is the most versatile of the clocks.
It has all the features of the Pro plus a built-in receiver that allows it
to be used with the Bellman Visit™ alerting system. Know when someone is at
the door, the telephone is ringing, the smoke detector is sounding or the
baby is crying.
The Alarm Clock Classic (HC-BA-CLASSIC) is a basic model for the price
conscious and has a powerful bed shaker and audible alarm.
For more detailed information on all these clocks, go to
http://bit.ly/HarrisComm_DN011512 or contact us at: