TSID conference 2012 – Austin
Hello fellow Interpreters!
It is time again for another exciting Texas Society of Interpreters for
the Deaf (TSID) conference, which means we need Interpreters.
Hosted by Austin Interpreters for the Deaf & Texas Society of
Interpreters for the Deaf
Student Conference: June 20-21, 2012
General Conference: June 21-24, 2012
Hilton Austin Hotel, Austin, Texas
According to policy, preference is given to those holding NIC Advanced;
RID CSC, IC/TC, CI/CT, RSC, CDI, Texas BEI Advanced, III, OC:C and OC;V
or above. Upon need those with a minimum of CI, CT or Level II will be
Interpreter Coordinator: Windy Rossi
Full-time Conference Interpreter (working at least 75% of the available
conference interpreting hours)
Part-time Conference Interpreter (working less than 75% of the
available conference interpreting hours)
All information concerning how to apply and compensation can be found
Selections will be based on need, availability, experience and setting.
Submission Electronic (preferred)
Submit all materials by e-mail to interpreters@2012.tsid.org
Deadline: March 16, 2012
Email: interpreters@2012.tsid.org
All materials should be submitted to:
PO Box 684728
Austin, TX 78768-4728
Deadline for submission: Postmarked by March 10, 2012
For more information e-mail interpreters@2012.tsid.org