My Health, My Voice Forum:
Healthy people are the foundation of our thriving community.
5 reasons to attend the My Health, My Voice Forum
1 FREE health screenings, job information and refreshments!
2 LEARN about free health services available.
3 TELL US services you would like to see where you live.
4 MEET your Health & Human Services Department and be heard!
5 HELP CREATE a Health Improvement Plan for Austin and Travis County.
Date: February 23, 2012
Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Reagan High School
7104 Berkman Dr.
Austin, TX 78752
For more information, e-mail: or call
Free health screenings from 5-6 pm & 8-9 pm
$20 Gift Cards available to first 50 participants who stay for entire
Interpreters will be provided.