Movies That Matter: A Human Rights Film Series – DFW

Movies That Matter: A Human Rights Film Series – DFW

This film will be shown with English subtitles so as to accommodate the deaf and hard of hearing.

Movies That Matter: A Human Rights Film Series. March 8, 6:30 p.m.
doors open, 7 p.m. program begins; Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth,
3200 Darnell St. No admission charge. Movies That Matter is a quarterly
program of the City of Fort Worth Human Relations Commission. This
screening will feature the film, The Price of Sugar, narrated by Paul

Film Summary: In the Dominican Republic, a tropical island-nation,
tourists flock to pristine beaches unaware that a few miles away
thousands of dispossessed Haitians have toiled under armed-guard on
plantations harvesting sugarcane, much of which ends up in U.S.
kitchens. They work grueling hours and frequently lack decent housing,
clean water, electricity, education or healthcare. Narrated by Paul
Newman, “The Price of Sugar” follows Father Christopher Hartley, a
charismatic Spanish priest, as he organizes some of this hemisphere’s
poorest people to fight for their basic human rights. This film raises
key questions about where the products we consume originate and at what
human cost they are produced.

Seating is limited. A moderated discussion with subject matter experts
will follow the film. Tickets are FREE to the general public and will
be distributed on a first come, first served basis beginning at 6:30
p.m. The auditorium seats 248.

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