Movie Night 4/6/12 – DFW
Date: April 6, 2012 Friday
Time: 7:30 pm
Event: Family Friendly Dinner And A Movie
Cost for the movie: FREE!!!
New Life Deaf Fellowship
6917 Brentwood Stair Rd
Fort Worth, TX 76112
PH: 866-644-6748 VP (local): 817-932-7205 VP (toll free): 866-644-6748
Have you been looking for a way to spend some quality time with your family that didnt cost a lot of money? Well, New Life Deaf Fellowship is offering FREE movie night the first Friday of every month.
Tell your friends and family, everyone is welcome! Bring your favorite Popcorn, Soda, Candy or Dinner. Then sit back and enjoy the movie. Aprils’s selection is:
Letters To God
Staring: Jeffrey Johnson, Tanner Maguire, Michael Bolten, Ralph Waite
113 minutes
Faith and hope are the twin engines that power this uplifting, bittersweet tale based on the true story of Tyler Doherty (Tanner Maguire), an 8-year-old boy who battles brain cancer and turns to God as his own private pen pal. Tyler writes and mails his missives daily, and his steadfast undertaking not only moves his family and friends, but it also alters the life of despairing postman, Brady (Jeffrey Johnson), who opens the boy’s letters.
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