Flash News!!! HBCD 1st Annual Jr. Angler Tournament has been
DATE: July 14, 2012 (Saturday)
TIME: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Mary Jo Peckham Park
5597 Gardena
Katy, Texas
WEBSITE: http://www.hbcd1968.org
Due to the heavy rain all week and Katy, TX is expecting 50 percentage
of rain, HBCD members has decided to reschedule the event until further
notice. The conditon of the park, safety and health of the kids and
parents, possibility of mosquitoes around the lake, etc has highlight
the decision to reschedule. The weather and flood today is as bad as
what we are expecting
Vice President and Chairperson Northcutt will meet with the Park and
find a rescheduled date. Often time the park is entirely booked year
round. Hopefully we will find one..Stay tuned and keep eyes on our
website (http://www.hbcd1968.org) for more informations. Thank you!
CONTACT PERSON NAME: James Northcutt or Larry Fewell, Co-Chairperson
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: hbcd68@gmail.com
CONTACT TELEPHONE #: (281) 552-8320 or (866) 970-8115
HBCD = Houston Bass Club of the Deaf