TSD Homecoming 2012
September 22, 2012
TSD Rangers vs. CSD Riverside Cubs
2012 Texas School for the Deaf Homecoming Info
BOOTHS: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
FOOTBALL: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
* Food
* Prizes
* Drinks
* Games
* Arts & Crafts
Booth Rental deadline September 3, 2012.
Early Bird fees until August 20, 2012
Booth Rental Fee(s)
Sales/food – $125.00
Services/Information – $75.00
TSD Organization/Clubs – $25.00
Generator Rental (3600 Watts) – $75.00
Internet & Wireless Connection (WIFI Only) – $25.00
Electricity Fee (Bring your own extension cords – $25.00
To register please go to:
Proceeds go to Student Development
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