TASBID: 1.0 CEUs ‘terp W/S w/ Peggy Cobb 9/28-29/12

TASBID: 1.0 CEUs ‘terp W/S w/ Peggy Cobb 9/28-29/12

Texas Association of Southern Baptist Interpreters for the Deaf

Annual Fall 1.0 CEUs Interpreter’s Workshop

Presented by Peggy Cobb September 28-29 2012

“English to A.S.L.: How to Create a Clear Visual Interpretation”

* Visual Music: More than the meaning
* Visual Nouns: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
* Visual Verbs: How did that happen?

Latham Springs Baptist Camp and Retreat Center (North of Waco)

For description of sessions and registration form:

Registration Deadline: September 20, 2012.

Space limited to first 50.

No on-site registration.

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