Dallas Mixed Individual Handicap Bowling Tournament 2012

Dallas Mixed Individual Handicap Bowling Tournament 2012

Hosted by Southwest Deaf Bowling Association, Inc.


Date: Saturday, November 3, 2012

TIME: 10am – 630pm

AMF Richardson Lanes
2101 N. Central Expressway
Richardson, Texas 75080

$1000.00 Based on 100 Entries

4 Games across 8 Lanes


You won any $600.00 or over winning per event in the last 12 months? ____Yes _____No How much?

Name: _______________________________________ USBC #: (bring it along) __________________

Address: ____________________________________ Average 2011-2012____________________

City, State, Zip: _______________________________ Average as of Oct 25, 2012 _____________

VP number: ____________________________ Email: __________________________________

League Secretary Signature: ______________________ Print Name: _______________________

Check Time to Bowl: __________ 1:00 P.M. __________ 3:30 P.M.

For more information or question – email Ken Seabolt at swdba.secy@gmail.com

Download Dallas Bowling Tournament Flyer 2012 (PDF)


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