Hands & Voices Events May 2013 – Texas
MAY 19, 2013
Fishing Men’s Morning on the Water – Corpus Christi
Contact: Jamie Gordon at jgordon@txgbys.org
Morning on the Water
Dads, Grandfathers, Uncles & other male friends of Deaf/ Hard of Hearing Children come join us for an early morning of fishing. Enjoy camaraderie & sharing of stories with fellow men. Older male siblings are welcome to attend & share experiences with other siblings of Deaf/HH children.
Red Dot Pier
11801 SPID
Corpus Christi, Texas 78418
Date & Time: May 19, 2013 6:00am – 8:00am
Please R.S.V.P your local Parent guide, Jamie by May 15th at jgordon@txgbys.org 361-548-9548
If location changes due to better fishing elsewhere your r.s.v.p. will be my only means of letting you know
May 19, 2103
OC Movie “Iron Man 3” @ Santikos Silverado in Houston
Contact Kathy Welch at kwelch@txgbys.org
Iron Man 3 with Open Captions
A Texas Hands & Voices/Guide By Your Side (GBYS) event for families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing
Join Us
Sunday May 19, 2013
6:30 PM
Santikos Silverado IMAX
24720 Tomball Parkway
Tomball, TX 77375
Directions for Santikos Silverado IMAX
Texas Hands & Voices GBYS Parent Guides will be there to explain the GBYS program and offer information and resources. Support, information and resources offered in an unbiased manner for families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing
Contact: jcampos@txgbys.org 832-814-1789 or kwelch@txgbys.org 281-358-9949
May 25, 2103
Zoo day in Austin
Contact Pamela Farley pfarley@txgbys.org
Saturday @ the Zoo
Come Join Us
Austin Zoo, Austin Texas
10808 Rawhide Trail
Austin, TX 78736
Meet new friends!
MAY 25, 2013 11-3
A Texas Hands & Voices, Guide By Your Side event for families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing and the community and professionals who support them
Bring your family, lunch/drinks, camera, admission money, and stories!
Hula Hoops (buy one or purchase materials to make your own)
Visit, Share, & Learn!
Ride the Train!
Petting Zoo!
Guide By Your Side Guides will be there to answer questions
Offering support, information and resources in an unbiased manner for families with children who are deaf and hard of hearing
May 30, 2103
El Paso Evening for New Friends
Contact Melissa Duron mduron@txgbys.org
Join us! An evening for deaf and hard of hearing elementary school-age children to meet new friends.
They’ll have time to play, interact and make new friends while you also meet new parents and make new family friends. Siblings are also welcome! There will be jumping balloons, toddler area, movie room, game room. Free hot dogs, drinks, popcorn, cotton candy, ice cream and $1.00 face painting.
When: May 30th, 2013 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sunshine Party Room
12025 Rojas Dr. Ste F
El Paso, TX 79936
Contact: To ask questions and RSVP please contact:
Melissa Duron
Angie Lopez
Special thanks to SunShine Party Room
Kellie J Berger
Texas Hands & Voices
Executive Director
281-773-0107 voice or text
“What works for your child is what makes the choice right!”