The schedule for the week is attached. Note the start time on Monday is 8:00 a.m. The rest of the week starts at 9:00 a.m. (see downloadable file below) July 8, 2013 to July 12, 2013
There are restaurants at the AT&T Center. There are also a number of restaurants within walking distance. See attached list. (see downloadable file below)
Parking at the AT&T Center’s parking garage is normally $9 per day, however Region XI will help cover that cost. If you carpool (at least 2 to a car) your parking will be FREE. For those driving alone the cost will be either free or greatly reduced. Take the parking ticket from the machine at the garage entrance and bring it to the SEE Registration table for a voucher.
Daniel Diffee
SEE Skillshop: AT&T Restaurants Within a Half Mile (DOC)
SEE Skillshop Schedule Austin 2013 (PDF)
To learn more about SEE Skillshop, go to