Hearing the Unheard: French Photographer Traveling to Texas!

Hearing the Unheard: French Photographer Traveling to Texas!


I am a french photographer, and I would like to come and meet you if that sounds good to you!

I have a photography project called "Hearing the unheard" which is, in a nutshell, about sign language and signers, and how to "annihilate" this gap that exists between hearing people, and hard of hearing/deaf people from my modest but convinced photographer's point of view…

For this, I will travel from 4th September 2013 across US for 88 days (I am usally based in London, UK), more than 100h train and bus. I want to understand and show the beauty of sign language in my photos. And build an exhibition, and then a book about it.

For this I will meet american signers, over a drink, a meal, or anything you like, and if they /you are interested, take some photos, portraits, that will be then on my website, and will lead to a beautiful exhibition. In exchange I will offer having a great time, and of course the photos free of any copyright.

I have been able to arrange to meet several people : comedian in Chicago, professors in LA and San Diego, students, teenagers, Dance teachers… And I would love to include you in my project! I will be in Texas from around end of September for about 10 days. I will travel more than 10,000 miles, and more than 100h transports and sleep as couch surfing as this is a personal project and therefore is auto financed (I quit my everyday job, and sold lots of belongings to be able to do that 🙂 ).

Please let me know your thoughts, and if you can also share with anyone you think would be interested please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you!! Here is my page

http://www.facebook.com/mamzellebullephoto, and here is my website: http://www.mamzellebullephoto.com

Marion Fregeac
Email: mamzelle.bulle.photo@gmail.com

Website: http://www.mamzellebullephoto.com

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