Everything You Ever Wanted To Know But were Too Afraid To Ask.
Join us on October 18th from 9:30-4:30 at Jean Massieu Academy at 823 N. Center St. Arlington, Texas 76011 as Alicia McClurkan and her team of Deaf Interpreters answer your burning questions; “Is that what I think I saw?” “Did they really mean to say THAT during their business meeting?” “How do I interpret that vulgar English idiom into ASL?”
Join us as we laugh and learn out way through, Everything you ever wanted to know, but were to afraid to ask your client.
Course Description:
A teaching workshop in which participants will be shown the variants between medical signs and signs of profanity. Participants will lean the different meanings of ASL phrases, which use strong language, based on body language and will be taught the differences between Deaf and Hearing Culture relating to these phrases. Participants will be given the opportunity to demonstrate learned skills through group activities while interpreting ASL and English phrases.
TSID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This Professional Studies program is offered for .65 CEUs at the “Little Content Knowledge Level” for all interpreter levels.
.65 BEI CEUs approved
Cost $40 prepaid
$50 at the door
Register at: http://www.workshopsforyou.com
This workshop will be presented in ASL only.
For questions, please contact Wendi Yoder at 682-235-8363 voice or text or Email: [email protected]