NCTID Announces a Mentoring Series & Workshop

The North Central Texas Interpreters (NCTID) for the Deaf Announces a Mentoring Series

Starting in January 2015 NCTID will host a mentoring series. We are looking for 10 mentees and 10 mentors to participate. Mentees will be selected in November and matched with mentors in December.

The program will run from January to April 2015. Mentees are required to commit to attending a two hour mentor meeting and a 3hr hour workshop each month. Mentors will be selected and saught based on the needs of the mentoring applicants. If you are interested in participating see the flyer link and/or contact information below.

The series is intended for those who are working interpreters and/or precertified and/or recent graduates of an ITP actively working towards certification. Participants must have the ability to submit monthly mentoring logs, access to the Internet for skills development materials, and transportation to workshops.

This is not an American Sign Language mentoring program, entry or near entry level interpreting skills are required for this mentoring series.

If you are interested in participating, please see the following link for details

For registration information, contact
Janice McCann

For general inquiries, contact
Deb Martinez

Participants (mentees and mentors) seeking the 2.0 CEUs must attend all.

Individual workshops are open for all. Individual workshops are .3 CEUs each.

Mentoring Series Workshops:

Saturdays 9-12p, Location DFW/TBA, .3 CEUs BEI & RID (pending)

1/24/15 Approaches to Mentoring

2/28/15 Skills Development English to ASL

3/26/15 Skills Development ASL to English

4/25/15 Ethical Decisions in Interpreting


Program Mentees: $75/$50 for NCTID Members

Includes monthly mentoring and 4 Workshops. Limited to 10 participants

Program Mentors: Free

Individual Workshops: $25/$15 NCTID members

No Refunds/ADA accommodations provided upon request

Questions please contact: Deb Martinez P: 617-784-7796 or

Make checks payable to NCTID. Refunds available for mentees until December 15, 2014.

No refunds for individual workshops. Returned checks subject to a return fee of $35.

If you are interested in participating, please see the following link for details (PDF format)

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