BEI Test Overview: What is the Test Testing?
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What measurements does the BEI test focus on? What type of scoring system is used? Objective scoring is used but how does adaptability, pronunciation, fluency and delivery come into the scoring process? While the cut-off number for objective unit errors is exact, a range of unit errors is established for the subjective score. An overview of the BEI testing process will be provided to participants. The formats of the written Test of English Proficiency (TEP) and the Performance Test will be discussed, in addition to reviews of the rating process and examples of scoring determinants.
Lauri Metcalf is the Chair of the Department of American Sign Language Interpreter Training and also Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services at San Antonio College, a position she has held since its inception in 1994. Lauri’s work experience spans over 40 years as a teacher of deaf preschool and kindergarten students, as an interpreter trainer and as a certified interpreter. She has been actively involved with the Board for Evaluation of Interpreters (BEI) since 1995. Lauri has presented numerous workshops and training seminars for interpreters throughout the United States.
To earn CEUs, the participants must take pre-tests and post-tests and also remain actively engaged in the webinar via random interactive polls throughout the session. Texas BEI CEUs (.3) are approved. If you need RID CEUs, contact an RID CEU provider in advance of the session to request PINRA approval to earn CEUs.
CART (Communication Access Real-time Translation) will be provided. Email or call 512-407-3267 (voice) or 512-410-7691 (VP) for other accommodations at least two weeks in advance of the training event.
Audio can be obtained through your computer. If you need sign language interpreter services, use the relay service of your choice to call 1-866-226-9790, access code 3799711 to join the session.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
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