Texas Deaf Bass Anglers (TDBA) is now underway
Texas Deaf Bass Anglers (TDBA) which is now partnering with Houston Bass Club of the Deaf, Inc. (HBCD) to begin the progress by keeping the formerly Texas Bass Club of the Deaf (TBCD) yearly annual tradition on the go. If you have not learn of what has recently happened, Texas Bass Club of the Deaf has dissolved last March 2015.
Director Northcutt with the approval of others has created the new named organizations and will be recognized as the “formerly” Texas Bass Club of the Deaf for a year until after the 50th Golden Year Tournament in which TDBA will be permanent. Director Northcutt has selected Joe Radwanski to oversee all TDBA financial assets.
As of now, logo has been created and email has been established stated Director Northcutt. A September 2015 Tournament is in the progress at Lake Sam Rayburn in which TDBA will always have Lake Sam Rayburn as the only lake on an annual basis for the tournaments.
Lake Sam Rayburn is recognized as one of several Texas Tournament Lakes. It is the largest in Texas. A tournament flyer are now in the work and entry fee will be decided as soon as it has been settled. For now, it is a start to begin and only serious bass anglers are welcomed to participate. Nearby out of State are welcomed as well. Bass Anglers has to be Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf with slight visual impaired are only anglers welcomed to join in.
Should you have any questions that you wanted to know, please email TDBA Joe Radwanski or myself as follows:
James Northcutt, TDBA Director (TDBAdirector@gmail.com)
Joe Radwanski, TDBA Treasurer (TDBAtreasurer@gmail.com)
Download here is our newly established logo (1.6 MB; 2715×2385)
CONTACT PERSON NAME: James Northcutt, TDBA Director