Dallas Deaf Club: July 4th CINGO 7/4/15
The Fourth of July weekend event will be here soon…
Let us celebrate together for Independence Day by having a party blast at Dallas Association of the Deaf (DAD). CASH-AWAY! CASH-AWAY!…COME EVERYONE, DON’T MISS IT!!!
WHEN: Saturday Night, July 4, 2015
WHERE: 4215 Maple Ave., Dallas, Texas 75219
DAD opens at 5 P.M.
ADMISSION (includes Food and CINGO)
Advance Tickets: $20.00
At the Door: $25.00
GINGO starts at 8:30 P.m.
DAD will have a special fund-raising project by having the C-I-N-G-O (5) games. The money prizes are determined by the number of participants.
This fund-raising project is to help defray the expenses for the Southwest Softball Association of the Deaf (SWSAD) Tournament which will be held in Dallas on July 8-9-10, 2015. (News about the softball tournament will be announced soon).
There will be outdoor-cooking hamburgers and hot dogs. DAD would appreciate any members who wish to donate desserts to DAD. The DAD Bar will be open, various drinks will be on sale.
Food will start being served at 6 P.M.
DAD has seven (7) televisions so you can watch from anywhere in the facility. Also, DAD has a big patio where you can enjoy chatting and having a drink with your friends outside.
When you enter the facility you will be delighted to see all of the beautiful decorations, it will be phenomenal. You will enjoy getting acquainted with new and old friends alike. You can enjoy chatting, playing cards, music playing in the bar, or whatever suits you.
DAD is the grassroots of our community. We need your continued support to keep the “Deaf Community Going Strong”.
For more information, please see Donna Lide at DAD or call her at (817) 778-8222 (VP) to reserve a ticket.
DAD is a place to come and enjoy a friendly and pleasant atmosphere & environment. Any hearing student who takes an ASL, Deaf culture, or Interpreting class will be welcome at DAD for college credit.
Try to be there early for a better parking space for your vehicle. There is a steel fence around the parking lot to protect your vehicle. If the parking lot is full, you can park your vehicle the church across the street from DAD.
More details will be provided as soon as possible. Please keep eyes on it via the DAD website or Facebook!
DAD Club is a CASH ONLY bar!!!
Contact Information
VP: 469-522-2911
Email: [email protected]
Dallas Association of the Deaf, Inc.
4215 Maple Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75219-2402
Website: http://www.dallasdeafclub.org
Please check us out on Facebook!