GriefShare – Monday July 6, 7:00 – 8:30 pm.
Address of church is 5801 Old Denton Rd Fort Worth 76131
Church phone is 817-232-8210
Our group does meet EVERY Monday through August 10 for this cycle.
Each week there is video with grief recovery experts, small group discussion, and participants receive a workbook to do their personal grief work toward healing.
GriefShare – a safe place to find comfort and hope. You can start at any session.
Monday, July 6
7:00- 8:30 pm at North Fort Worth Baptist Church GriefShare
Registration Fee is $15 and covers all 13 sessions (scholarship available)
Come at any session. Each session stands alone.
contact: [email protected] <http://[email protected]> <http://[email protected]>
**We have a signing interpreter to facilitate communication for the deaf and closed captioning.
There are others who have been on this journey. Let them walk with you. Last week we learned that three strongholds of grief can be regret, guilt, and anger. We ask the ‘what if?’ questions, we blame, and we have false guilt. We talked about ways to live in the ‘What IS’ rather than the ‘what IF’, and we learned to distinguish between false guilt and true guilt.
Participants will continue to consider their own unique grief journey with the workbook exercises that help them explore practical ways to overcome these strongholds and find healing through forgiveness.
This week we will look at some of the complicating factors of grief like..
…how traumatic experiences affect grief
…how to deal with nightmares and flashbacks
…how your thinking affects your emotions
PLEASE NOTE: It doesn’t matter if your loss was recent or several years ago. And you can start attending GriefShare at any time.