TCSDHH provides sign language interpreters for the following weekly meetings in Austin:
Monday AA Meeting, 6:00-7:30 pm
7517 Cameron Rd
Tuesday NA Meeting, 7:30p – 8:30p
Faith Presbyterian Church
1314 E. Oltorf (west of I-35)
(Across from Travis HS)
Wednesday AA Meeting 5:30-7:00 pm
5700 Manchaca Rd, Cherry Creek Plaza, Main Entrance
You can contact the Austin AA Hill County Intergroup at: 24-hour hotline 512-444-0071(v) or http://www.austinaa.org/.
Call Travis County Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing at 512-854-9221 to request an interpreter for other meeting times.
Also, AA meetings via WebCam led by Deaf and HoH sobriety facilitators: http://doda.nefsis.com/doda