Good News!!! Trix Bruce is coming to El Paso, Texas!
January 22, 2016, Friday 5 pm – 9 pm
ASL Semantics: Precision of Expression in ASL
Semantics is defined as the study of meanings expressed by the elements of a language or a combination of the elements. A concept expressed in an ASL sign often cannot be conveyed by a single all-purpose English word. Likewise, English words and phrases may have variations in meaning, which require translations using different ASL signs. This workshop helps the student advance skills in translating the languages of ASL and English. (0.4 RID CEUs and BEI clock hours available)
Video Clip Example of ASL Semantics: RUN
January 23, 2016, Saturday 8:30 am – 5 pm
VISUALIZE THIS: Drawing in Space With ASL Classifiers
As a native English speaker you work within a linear language, but ASL uses space and movement through classifiers to show a visual picture. When using Classifiers, are you able to clearly portray the English message into ASL? Do you know how to clearly show a car accident, a Lasik eye surgery, or a gymnast going through their routines? This workshop provides participants with an overview of using Classifiers, by focusing on what they mean, when to use them and how they are used.
Participants will explore various classifiers to express a visual picture breaking away from English words to translate ideas visually. This workshop strongly focuses on ASL storytelling, ASL performing, and ideas on how to use the appropriate handshape to show a clearer picture of the context involved. This workshop will also provide hands-on experiences & skill building activities needed for appropriate classifier use applied to complex descriptions and images. Complicated & confusing pictures, eye gaze, role shifting, spatial referencing and appropriate use of classifiers in storytelling will also be presented. Emphasis is placed on developing the ability to think in pictures as a way to improve expressive and receptive communication skills. (0.7 RID CEUs and BEI clock hours available)
Video Clip Example of Personification: Bobber
Video Clip Example of Camping Classifiers: Campfire
Video Clip Example of Sound Effects: Surf
January 22 -23, 2016 Mentoring Services Available
Your own private Mentor! As your mentor, Trix will focus on you, providing individualized feedback and instruction in English/ASL translation and Deaf culture. Under the direction of an expert instructor, your skills will soar! Email her for an appointment. Mentor appointments are not included the workshop registration. For a mentor appointment, there is a separate fee.(RID CEUs available!)
Staybridge Suites El Paso Airport
6680 Gateway East
El Paso, Texas 79915
Saturday Workshop:
Friday Evening Workshop Only:
$45 per participant/per workshop, postmarked by December 15, 2015
$55 per participant
Saturday Workshop Only:
$75 per participant, postmarked by December 15, 2015
$85 per participant
Special Discounted Package Both Workshops:
$100 per participant, postmarked by December 15, 2015
Limited Seating – Registration Open on a First Come, First Serve basis
SEND $ & your registration form TO: PayPal/Quick Pay accepted; checks accepted – please make checks payable to Trix Bruce and send to: Trix Bruce, 1429 D Ave PMB 362, Snohomish, WA 98290
Please RSVP with payment. This will confirm your place in the workshop. CONTACT: by
RID CEUs: Trix Bruce is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities. This Professional Studies program is offered for all workshops: 0.4 Semantics and 0.7 Classifiers at the Little/No to Some Content Knowledge Level. The total is 1.1 CEUs
NOTES: Handouts will be provided. The workshop will be presented in ASL. There will be a Door Prize! For details on refunds, cancellations, and special accommodations policies, please send an email to
My workshops benefit participants at all levels. Countless advanced interpreters have let me know that they enjoyed learning updated/new signs that they haven’t seen before, such as regional accents. They also loved it when I explained how to sign messages into ASL, rather than just signing in English word by word. Interpreters appreciate that my workshops are excellent for review as well as for discovering new things that apply within the professional work environment. Students also mentioned that my workshops helped them to understand how to approach their own projects, research, and practice more effectively.
Book Trix Bruce ASL Performances Now! Enliven Your Special Event! Trix Bruce is ASL entertainment extraordinaire! Her nationally-acclaimed presentation skills will inspire members of your organization and community. Trix will amaze and delight Deaf students and larger audiences with her popular and exciting shows! She is available to provide a fun performance show for your school or organization. To see samples of her work, find available times while she is in your town, and further information, visit Please contact Trix ( with any questions you may have.