Update: Two Ethics Workshops February 2016 – Tyler

Feb 20 2016 TJC ITP WkShop Flier Reg Form

Seats still available!!

Two Ethics Workshops February 2016 – Tyler

Tyler Jr. College ITP Presents

Two Workshops! Saturday, February 20, 2016

“Keep Your Soft Skills Sharp” 9 a.m. – Noon by Jeremy Norman, TX BEI Adv. Cert.

“How to Ethically Start and Run Your Business” 1 – 4 p.m. by Laura Cole, TX BEI Level III, Court; RID-CI

.3 TX BEI Ethics CEUs APPROVED for EACH Workshop
Target Audience: Sign Language Interpreters & ITP/IPP Students

Workshop/Course Description: “Keep Your Soft Skills Sharp”
This workshop will discuss the difference between soft skill and hard skills and how these skills pertain to our interactions with customers, colleagues and students. Participants will participate in an open forum as well as small group discussions to discuss real world scenarios to determine the actions to take that will result in the best possible outcomes. This workshop will emphasize how developing our soft skills supports the tenets of the Code of Professional Conduct.

Workshop/Course Description: “How to Ethically Start and Run Your Business”
Are you scared to start your own business? This workshop will walk you through everything you need to know to become an Independent Contractor. This workshop will guide you to see if you are a good fit for running your business and then give you a step by step process to achieve a successful business. Starting a business is all encompassing. It is not only you that will be involved with this business. Through this workshop you will learn how to ethically deal with consumers, clients, agencies and other interpreters while maintaining good ethical boundaries and practices.

Where: Tyler Junior College Apache Rooms (Rogers Student Center off Baxter St.) Tyler, Texas

Cost: Early Bird by February 10, 2016
Students: 1 workshop $10 Both $15 (with student ID)
All others: 1 workshop $25; Both $40

After February 10, 2016 (Call to reserve seat if available)
Students: $15 for 1; $25 for Both
All Others: 1 workshop $30; Both $50

CONTACT: Rhonda McKinzie rmck@tjc.edu for flyer and registration form Or go to http://www.tjc.edu/signlanguage to related downloads and print off form. 903-510-2774. Also on DeafNetwork and TSID list-serve.

Download two-page flyer & form here: (PDF format)

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