“Wait! That Doesn’t Sound Right…” presented by Shelley Hardell
We have all heard or produced interpretations that just didn’t sound natural in English. This workshop will compare the differences between ASL and English in the use of the expansion, constructed action, and constructed dialogue, then how those impacts the interpretation from ASL to English. Students will have the opportunity to practice developing authentic English interpretations of ASL narratives that incorporate these grammatical elements while maintaining appropriate register, prosody, and intent.
Arlington Memorial Hospital, McRae Bldg, Room C 1-2 (basement) 800 W Randol Mill Rd, Arlington, TX 76012-2504
Date: January 9, 2016
Time: 9:00 AM to Noon
Host by North Central Texas Interpreters for the Deaf (NCTID)
*This is the fourth workshop in the NCTID Fall 2015 Mentorship Series, but IS open to all interpreters, students, and educators.
Register at http://www.NCTID.org.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/178133125867012
Flyer & Form: http://www.nctid.org/assets/workshop-announcement—january-9%2c-2016.pdf