Special mass for the Deaf, HH and friends, with potluck social – DFW
***Special mass for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Family and Friends***
With Father Fred, Friend of the Deaf
Mass will be interpreted in ASL
Saturday, May 28, 2016
10:00 AM Mass, followed by Potluck Lunch
All Saints Catholic Church (CHAPEL)
5231 Meadowcreek Drive, Dallas, TX 75248
9:30 AM – arrive and drop off food in the St. Teresa room
10:00 AM – Mass in Chapel (no food in the Chapel, please)
11:00 AM – Potluck Lunch and Fellowship
Father Fred, friend of the deaf, will be celebrating a special Mass for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, as well as their family and friends. This Inclusive Mass will be interpreted in sign language.
A reception will be held in the St. Therese room immediately following the Mass. The Diocese will provide sandwiches from Jason’s Deli, iced tea. Bring side dishes to go with the sandwiches.
Registration is preferred for the reception for planning purposes by filling out the form in the link, or by contacting the Pastoral Center at 214-379-2867 (leave message).
EMAIL [email protected] if you would like a PDF flier with map of the church.
WEBSITE: https://www.cathdal.org/rsvpdisabilitiesanddeaf
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
CONTACT TELEPHONE #: (214) 379-2895