DATE: September 11, 2016, Sunday
TIME: Meeting start at 4:00pm
Forum Bowl
2001 S. Great Southwest Pkwy
Grand Prairie, Texas 75051
Please be there before 4:00 start, like 3:30 and 3:45 p.m.
Bring your money for:
USBC member $20.00 (One time a year, starting in the Fall)
Bowling Fee approx. $16.00 – $?? Weekly
Bowling league on every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. In a Forum Bowl (See the address above)
More exciting prizes coming.
If you have any questions, problems or comment, Feel Free to contact me:
LuAnn Burkhalter-Mills
Text: 817-480-2925
See y’all there. Drive safe! Wink!