Cedar Valley College Offers Specialized Career Training For a Bright Future
Have you ever considered what you plan to do for a future career? Maybe it has been a while since you have attended school or you have had to put your education on hold. There is no time like today to achieve those goals that you have put off time and time again. I would encourage you to consider some of the specialized programs offered through Cedar Valley College.
For those graduating high school this year, or have never attended college, this is an excellent page to start with: https://www.cedarvalleycollege.edu/Pages/first-time-students.aspx#study . It will help guide you and give you an idea of what to expect. If you provide us with a Deaf/Blind Waiver, your classes will be FREE! Plus, you can still apply for Financial Aid to help with your finances!
I would like to highlight a few of the most outstanding fiends in which we specialize.
AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY– https://www.cedarvalleycollege.edu/cd/dcc/trans/autotech/Pages/default.aspx . I have had several Deaf students successfully graduate in this field. So can you!
MOTORCYCLE TECHNOLOGY AND SMALL ENGINE REPAIR– https://www.cedarvalleycollege.edu/cd/dcc/mech/enginetech/Pages/default.aspx . I have had several Deaf students successfully graduate in this field. So can you!
VETERINARY TECHNOLOGY– https://www.cedarvalleycollege.edu/cd/dcc/Health/vettech/Pages/default.aspx
COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND ANIMATION – https://www.cedarvalleycollege.edu/cd/dcc/cbart/cgraph/Pages/default.aspx I have had several students graduate in this field. So can you!
CRIMINAL JUSTICE- https://www.cedarvalleycollege.edu/cd/dcc/law/crimjustice/Pages/default.aspx
ENGINEERING DEGREE FOR TRANSFER- https://www.cedarvalleycollege.edu/cd/dcc/comps/engineerrelated/Pages/Transfer.aspx
You may not wish to attend credit classes, but you can still take advantage of training. We have an excellent Continuing Education Department. https://www.cedarvalleycollege.edu/cd/ce/Documents/CVC/CE%20Summer%202017%20Catalog.pdf
Allied Health, Veterinary Technology, Dental Assisting and MORE!
THERE IS SO MUCH MORE! BE SURE TO TAKE A LOOK! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? You may contact me through my email listed below or call the Disability Services Office at 972.860.8119 to arrange for a time to meet with me and an advisor! I look forward to seeing you! The instructors are top notch (champ)!
John Graf
Email: JGraf@DCCCD.EDU