2018 Interpreter Collaboration for Deaf, Deaf-parented, and hearing Interpreters

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The 2018 Interpreter Collaboration for Deaf, Deaf-parented, and hearing Interpreters

A learning experience with retreat style!!

Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 4:00 PM – Sunday, October 7, 2018 at 12:00 PM (CDT)

CYJ Texas; Retreat and Conference Center

5410 Bellaire Blvd
Bellaire, Texas 77401
Website: https://www.cyjtexas.org

Event Information: https://www.didpihi.org/

This will be the first ever interpreter collaboration conference in the US that is focused on bringing Deaf interpreters, Deaf-parented interpreters, and hearing interpreters (DI-DPI-HI) together. We welcome interpreters of color, tri-lingual interpreters, and those who identify as LGBTQ to promote and encourage greater diversity in our field. The location of the conference was selected to provide an opportunity for all participants to relax and enjoy the company of their colleagues while enhancing their ability to effectively collaborate in teams. All interpreters will have the opportunity to learn and share in a space that is specifically designed to enhance their knowledge and skills when working in DI-HI teams. The conference will host keynote speakers, several presenter teams, discussion groups, entertainment and plenty of opportunity for participants to enjoy the beautiful retreat center.

Registration includes the conference workshops, shared sleeping accommodations, and food onsite. Due to the contract with CYJ we cannot offer separate pricing for lodging v. off-site accommodations. Dietary restrictions will be accommodated.

The conference is limited to 360 participants, 180 DI/DPIs and 180 HI/DPIs. The committee recognizes Deaf-parented interpreters could be either DIs or HIs. Approximately 1.8 RID/BEI CEUs will be requested/provided at the Professional Level (BEI Ethics CEUs TBD).

Deaf Interpreters/DPIs: Certified (RID/BEI) or state credentialed preferred, minimum of 40 documented hours of interpreter training will be accepted for DIs.

Hearing Interpreters/DPIs: Nationally (RID) or State certified (BEI with Advanced or Master qualifications). A minimum of 5 years of interpreting experience, previous work with a DI is preferred, not necessary.
All registrants agree to use ASL the entire time they are onsite.

Registration Prices:

$425 Dec 31, 2017- Pre-registration- Extended to March 1, 2018
$450 May 31, 2018- Early Bird
$500 June 1st, 2018

Cancellation Policy: Registration must be paid in full. No refunds.

Registration is available online:


Tentative Schedule

Thursday 10/4/18
4pm -5p Arrival and registration
5-7p Dinner
7-9p Opening and Keynote

Friday 10/5/18
730-9a Breakfast
9-12p Workshops & breakouts
12-2 Lunch (rotating groups)
2-5p Workshops w/breakouts
7p Evening program

Saturday 10/6/18
730-9a Breakfast
9-12p Workshops & breakouts
12-2 Lunch (rotating groups)
2-5p Workshops w/breakouts
7p Entertainment

Bonfire!! Make your own s’mores!

Sunday 10/7/18
730-9a Breakfast
9-10:30a Panel with conference presenters
10:45-12p Endnote
1-2p Departure

Contact Information for the event:

DIHI2018 Conference: DIHI2018Conference@gmail.com
Registration: DIHIreg@gmail.com
Sponsorship: DIHI2018sponsors@gmail.com

Download PDF format: Flyer DI-DPI-HI 2018

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