TAD 50th Anniversary Biennial Conference Sept 12-14, 2019

Texas Association of the Deaf

50th Anniversary Biennial Conference

Date: September 12-14, 2019

Single 70
Couple $130

The Early Bird Registration Combo deadline is coming up in two months on June 5, 2019! We are giving you more time to make a payment plan with us!!

If you lock in the price today by making $14 dollars payment for 5 months as a single, $26 dollars payment or 5 months as a couple- you will save a LOT of money!!

If you decide to not lock in the early bird registration price, and rather to pay the regular registration fee, it will be $30 dollars for 3 months payment as a Single, and $50 dollars for 3-month payment as a couple.

Please pay in FULL by August 31, 2019. You either can make payment to the conference thru PayPal, http://www.paypal.me/TXDeafYAP or mail the money order to

TAD Conference 2019
c/o Kristen Hejl-Rietz
PO Box 1208
Hurst, Texas 76053

We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tadyouth/

TAD website: http://www.txad.org 

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