HHS Stakeholders Meeting for People with Disabilities 10/28/19 – DFW

HHS Stakeholders Meeting for People with Disabilities
Health and Human Services is holding six listening sessions around the state as part of the inaugural HHS business plan, A Blueprint for a Healthy Texas.

We encourage Texans receiving services, family members, providers, advocates and community partners to attend and share their feedback about the range of HHS services to help us identify challenges.
We want to hear about ways HHS services are supporting people with disabilities, challenges people have navigating the system of disability services, and ideas for how HHS can take steps to improve.
Help us spread the word about the upcoming event!
Monday, Oct. 28, 2019
3 –7 p.m.
Hurst Conference Center
1601 Campus Drive
Hurst, TX 76054
Free, onsite parking is available.
Register for the listening sessions.


Email medical_and_social_services@hhsc.state.tx.us with your questions.

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