New Contract- Lending Deaf Hands
Lending Deaf Hands assists and provides guidance using American Sign Language (ASL). Our service includes the Houston area and nearby Deaf and Hard of Hearing cities. With us, you will find a wealth of information on how to get started in the workforce and be fully supported in your job to be the best you can be and climb the career ladder.
With the support of Texas Workforce Solutions – Vocational Rehabilitation Services, local colleges, and Deaf-friendly businesses, we help Deaf and Hard of Hearing job seekers find and sustain employment.
If you are an employer, our team will work with you to figure out your business, teamwork process, and what skills and qualifications your Deaf and Hard Hearing workers need to function effectively.
With our free service, we assist you in getting ready for work, including providing everything you need.
Our Employment Services are available at 832-431-3785 if you have questions.
Website: http://www.lendingdeafhands.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LendingDeafHands/
Tiffany Scofield
Email: tscofield@lendingdeafhands.com
VP: 832-431-3785