Travis County Expunction Expo. Apply by 4/07/2023

Travis County Expunction Expo. Apply by 4/07/2023

Clear an Arrest from Your Record

Travis County is hosting an Expunction Expo on May 20, 2023.

Apply in English or Spanish by April 7, 2023 to find out if you are eligible.


Pre-screened applicants who meet the criteria will be invited to the expo where volunteer attorneys will help finalize their expunction paperwork.

Travis County residents may qualify for an expunction if:

  • You were arrested in Travis County, but a charge was never filed or was no billed by the grand jury;
  • You have a criminal charge that a judge dismissed;
  • You successfully completed a Diversion Program, such as Pretrial Diversion, Drug Court, etc.
  • You were acquitted on your charge by a judge or jury (usually by a finding of “Not Guilty”), or appellate court; or
  • You were convicted of a crime but later pardoned by the Governor of Texas or the President of the United States.

Travis County residents likely do not qualify for an expunction if:

  • Your case is still pending;
  • You were convicted in the case you want to be expunged or erased even if you just paid a fine (other arrests on your record may still qualify for expunction); or
  • You were placed on probation, community supervision, or deferred adjudication for any felony or Class A or B misdemeanor you want to be expunged, even if your case was later dismissed (Class C deferred prosecution is the only exception).



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