Are you Parent of Deaf Teen? Do you use ASL with your child? Survey and Collect gift cards

A warm hello from Gallaudet University! My name is Holly Salem, I am a doctoral student in Gallaudet’s Clinical Psychology Program. I am currently seeking parents who have children who are deaf (ages 12 to 18) to participate in my research about how parents communicate with their deaf adolescents about sex. My goal is that this research will inform parents, professionals, and teachers about the special skill sets and needs of this unique population and their families.


Are you a parent of a D/deaf adolescent?
Do you use Sign Language with your child?

If yes to both, you may be a good fit for this study. The researcher will share additional eligibility criteria.

Who can participate? Parents of D/deaf adolescents aged 12 to 18.

What will you do?

Complete an online English survey about how you discuss sexual education with your child. This will take up to 45 minutes.

Enter to win one of five $30 gift cards after completion of the survey.

Questions? Interested? Contact the researcher, Holly Salem, at holly.salem[at]

The study has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Gallaudet University.

Holly Salem, M.A.
Doctoral Candidate, Clinical Psychology
Gallaudet University

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