Research Help Wanted with Pay – DFW Are you deaf/hh? Are you in community college? NCTC? Eastfield? Cedar Valley? MCC? Collin County? Brookhaven? TCC? Mountain View? Richland? El Centro? Northlake? Inform me! Participate in research study. You will be compensated…
Tag: research
Research Help Wanted – Austin
Research Help Wanted – Austin My name is Cornelia Loos, I'm a 3rd-year PhD student in the Department of Linguistics here at UT and I'm looking for somebody who is fluent in both English and ASL and could translate some…
Interpreter Burnout in Video Relay Service Settings
Interpreter Burnout in Video Relay Service Settings Dear Interpreting Colleagues, Perhaps you have noticed the increase of VRS Interpreting research in the last six months! It is clear that the influx of research activity is a very positive sign, as…
RERC Survey on Emergency Communications & People with Disabilities
The Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) Survey on Emergency Communications & People with Disabilities While data collection is underway for the Survey of User Needs, the Wireless RERC’s Consumer Research Team has also just launched a new survey on…
Participate in ASL Research Study & Earn $10 – Austin
Participate in ASL Research Study & Earn $10 – Austin Good day, everyone. I am conducting a research study on fingerspelling in American Sign Language (ASL). I am now looking for deaf signers to participate in this study, particularly those…
Deaf gerbils ‘hear again’ after stem cell cure
Deaf gerbils ‘hear again’ after stem cell cure By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News UK researchers say they have taken a huge step forward in treating deafness after stem cells were used to restore hearing in animals…