TSD Homecoming 2015 Booth Registration Non-TSD/Non-Profit Organization (Free Wifi) $100 Electricity included – Bring your own 50ft-75ft extension cord (Early Bird Special: $75 by August 31, 2015) Internet Connection Set-up $25 TSD Organization $25 Refundable Deposit Fee (Required for food…
Tag: wifi
ZVRS: Get your free tablet, stand, and Wi-Fi router!
Get your free tablet, stand, and Wi-Fi router! Contact Jack Busenbark at jbusenbark@zvrs.com and Rogelio Fernandez at rfernandez@zvrs.com for more information.
AT&T’s FaceTime Blocking Hurts the Deaf
NOTE FROM DEAFNETWORK: Petition Online link – http://www.change.org/petitions/at-t-stop-discriminating-against-deaf-customers AT&T’s FaceTime Blocking Hurts the Deaf BY BRENDAN GRAMER September 7, 2012 When I learned that Apple would finally be enabling the iPhone’s FaceTime app to work over mobile connections, I was…
ZVRS just released Z4 Mobile for iPhone 4 and iPod Touch!
ZVRS just officially released Z4 Mobile for iPhone 4 and iPod Touch! Check short video commercials about Z4 Mobile for iPhone 4 by clicking this picture. http://rogeliofernandez.com/wp/2011/01/z4-mobile-for-iphone-4-and-ipod-touch You can make point to point calls with Z4 Mobile. Also, you can…
Z4 – Next Generation Software from ZVRS
Z4 – Next Generation Videophone Software from ZVRS Celebrate The Launch of Our 4th Generation Videophone Software It’s Time to unleash the Power of communication with Z4! What’s so great about Z4, you ask? * Turns Macs and Pcs Into…
Z4 – Next Generation Videophone Software from ZVRS
Z4 – Next Generation Videophone Software from ZVRS Celebrate The Launch of Our 4th Generation Videophone Software It’s Time to unleash the Power of communication with Z4! What’s so great about Z4, you ask? * Turns Macs and Pcs Into…