Tyler Junior College Sign Language ITP
“Building Sign-to-Voice Skills”
By Sherri Roberts – Certified Interpreter: TX BEI Masters & Court; RID CI/CT
Saturday, October 31, 2009
9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. (Lunch on your own)
6 hours BEI/RID CEU?s pending approval
(Space Is Limited)
Workshop/Course Description:
This training is designed to help interpreters improve their Sign to Voice interpreting skills by structured practice in a non-threatening environment. The difference in comprehending a signed message and voicing the message will be discussed. While participants will have an opportunity to practice comprehending signed messages during the workshop, the focus will be on accurate production of the message in spoken English. The importance of using conventional English sentences in the right register will be demonstrated by activities designed to emphasize the difference the voice interpretation has on monolinguals and bilinguals. Voicing strategies designed to help workshop participants convey the message in correct English grammar & syntax, deliver a coherent message, and choose appropriate English vocabulary and register will then be highlighted. Interpreters will work with a variety of materials, in both small groups and in large group settings, with the emphasis on improving ones skill, not on perfection. Strategies that can be used independently will also be discussed so that participants leave with a plan to continue developing their Sign-to-Voice interpreting skills.
Target Audience: Certified and Non-Certified – All levels will benefit
Tyler Junior College Apache Rooms (Rogers Student Center off Baxter St.)
1400 Fifth Street, Tyler, TX (physical address)
Cost: By October 26 After October 26
Students $25 $30
All Others $35 $40
Contact: Rhonda McKinzie, Dept. Chair
Email: [email protected] 903-510-2774
Tyler Junior College Sign Language ITP
“Building Sign-to-Voice Skills”
By Sherri Roberts
Saturday, October 31, 2009 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.
REGISTRATION (Space is limited)
Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________ E-mail: _________________________________
(Lunch is on your own)
Cost: By October 26 After October 26
Students $25 $30
All Others $35 $40
Please send check or money order Payable To:
Tyler Junior College Sign Language Interpreting
Rhonda McKinzie, Dept. Chair, Sign Language
J 182
PO Box 9020
Tyler, TX 75711/9020
For more information contact Rhonda McKinzie 903-510-2774 or [email protected]
Download flyer & registration: (PDF format)