Texans with Disabilities Transitioning from High School to College

Texans with Disabilities
Transitioning from High School to College

Going College
This new website contains information about living college life with a disability. It is designed for high school students. The site provides video clips, activities, and resources that can help them get a head start in planning for college. Video interviews with college students with disabilities offer a way to hear firsthand from students with disabilities who have been successful. Modules include activities that will help students explore more about themselves, learn what to expect from college, and equip them with important considerations and tasks to complete when planning for college.

Resource Guide on Higher Education for People with Disabilities

Key Laws link to Disability Laws – General

The Next Step Higher Ed Video

TEA Special Education Division

Secondary Transition guidance:

College – Financial Aid
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Contact info:  512-427-6100
Texas Financial Aid Center:  888-311-8881texasprojectfirst.org/AgePostGraduation.html
Websites: http://www.hhloans.com/cfbin/tofa.cfm?Kind=E
(Exemptions)  http://www.collegefortexans.com/cfbin/tofa.cfm?Kind=E
(Deaf/Blind Waiver and others) http://www.collegefortexans.com/cfbin/tofa.cfm?Kind=W

A Resource Guide for Special Education Students on Transition Services:

AHEAD in Texas   (Association of Higher Education and Disability)

Project FIRST (Family, Information, Resources, Support and Training)

Advocacy, Inc.
(800) 252-9108

The ARC of Texas

Partners Resource Network

Job Accommodation Network
Office of Disability Employment Policy

U.S. Department of Education
Office of Special Education Programs (IDEA)

Office for Civil Rights

Customer Service Team
550 12 Street, SW
Washington, D.C.  20202-1100
877-521-2172 (TDD)
202-245-6840 (fax)

Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
1999 Bryan Street, Suite 2600
Dallas, TX  75201
214-880-2456 (TDD)
214-880-3082 (fax)

Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
*recorded textbooks

Vcampus, The e-Learning Solution Provider!
1850 Centennial Park Drive, Ste.200
Reston, VA  20191
*Provides online courses through several accredited colleges and universities that allow for starting a degree from scratch or finishing up a degree.

National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
P.O. Box 1492
Washington, DC 20013-1492
800-695-0285 (Voice/TT)
202-884-8200 (Voice/TT)
*NICHCY Briefing Paper is intended to serve as a guide to help parents and educators know what ADD is, what to look for, and what to do. NICHCY is one of four clearinghouses established by Congress to provide specialized information on disabilities

The Higher Education Act

Parent Tips For Transition Planning

Information on transition planning (TP) which helps to prepare young people for their futures. TP is required in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for students with a disability by age 16. Provides tips on how to prepare a student for transitioning from school to further education, employment and independent living. This link opens a PDF document.

The Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities

The Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities is within the office of the Governor. The Committee’s mission is to further opportunities for persons with disabilities to enjoy full and equal access to lives of independence, productivity, and self-determination. The Committee is composed of 12 members appointed by the governor, and of nonvoting ex officio members. The appointed members are appointed for staggered terms of two years. At least seven of the appointed members must be persons with disabilities. The Committee serves as a central source of information and education on the abilities, rights, problems, and needs of persons with disabilities. The staff of the Governor’s Committee supports and manages the work of the Committee. The Committee’s enabling statute is in the Human Resources Code, Chapter 115.

Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities
P.O. Box 12428  Austin, TX 78711
512-463-5739 (voice),
512-463-5746 (TTY)
Dial 711 or your relay provider of choice
This document is available in alternate formats on request.
November 30, 2009

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