Interpreter Workshop: Cultural Mediation – Austin

Austin Interpreters for the Deaf (AID) proudly presents

“Cultural Mediation”

Presented by Stacy Landry & Kristin Lund

Date: Friday, May 21, 2010

Time: 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Austin Community College – South Austin Campus
Multipurpose Room 1130
1820 W. Stassney Lane
Austin, TX 78745

Workshop Description:

Am I violating the Code of Ethics? Do these people understand each other?
Many interpreters find themselves in situations where they are unsure
whether their behavior is an ethical conflict, or cultural mediation. In
this seminar we will discuss the definition of cultural mediation and the
role of the interpreter as the cultural mediator.

We will look at the pros and cons of the dual role, and the appropriate way
to provide cultural information without violating our code of ethics. We
will discuss common situations that arise in our field and determine
appropriate ways to address cultural concerns in those settings. Finally,
we will review the Code of Ethics and open a discussion in which
interpreters have a safe environment to ask questions to their colleagues on
“what would you do?” For further assistance, contact AID Vice President
Sonja Smith at or (512) 736-3407.

Cost: $40.00 for 4 Hour Workshop (check all that apply)

-$ 5.00 RID/TSID Member
-$ 5.00 AID Member

Amount Enclosed: $________ Make checks payable to: AID

Accommodations Needed: _______

Sign Language Interpreter Other____________________

Participant Name: __________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________

Register soon! Only 45 Seats available!

BEI & RID CEUs Approved

If this workshop is cancelled prior to the scheduled date of 5/21/2010,
participants will receive a full refund.

Print this form and send registration to: AID c/o Workshop PO BOX 684694
Austin, TX 78768

TSID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities.
This Professional Studies Program is offered for .4 CEUs at the Some and
Extensive Content Knowledge Level.

Sponsored by ASL Friends United, ASL & Interpreting Student Organization at
Austin Community College

Here is the attached flyer/registration, PDF format.

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