3 Bridges Interpreting Services – Austin

3 Bridges Interpreting Services

P.O. Box 40778
Austin, TX 78704

It is with great excitement that 3 Bridges Interpreting (3BI) starts our
interpreting business here in Austin, Texas. We provide services for the
deaf and hard of hearing in Travis county and central Texas. 3 Bridges
Interpreting supports outstanding customer service and communication access
with qualified interpreters at a reasonable rate. We never require

We know very well the challenges of not being able to communicate because of
hearing disabilities. 3 Bridges is the first deaf owned interpreting
business in Texas. We are dedicated to enhancing and facilitating
communication between hearing and deaf and hard of hearing persons. It is
our intention to promote public access and bridge cultural and communication
differences between deaf and hearing communities.

We provide quality interpreters for a variety of settings such as medical,
public and private events, religious, educational, government, therapy,
counseling and business.

Our office is staffed Monday through Friday 7am to 7pm to fill your
requests. All phone calls and emails are answered promptly. If you have any
questions or concerns about our services call and we will be happy to
discuss the details of providing an interpreter for your needs.

3 Bridges Interpreting Services
P.O. Box 40778, Austin, TX 78704
512-358-6186 (Fax)
512-410-6003 (VP)

Email: 3bridgesaustin@gmail.com

CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: 3bridgesaustin@gmail.com

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