Texas School for the Deaf
Saturday, September 24, 2011
9:45 am Gate opens for General Public
11:15 am, 12:15 pm, 1:15 pm TSD Presentation and Mini-Tours. All start in
the Deaf Smith Center (10:15 am for Senior Citizens)
Groups of five or more must have a reservation by 9/14/11 deadline* (see
10 am – 4 pm Heritage Center Open for visitors.
10 am – 4 pm Carnival booths in all Area Heritage Center Tour
TSD vs. San Marcos Academy
1:00pm Junior Varsity Volleyball Match Seeger Gym
TSD vs. San Marcos Academy
2:00 pm Varsity Volleyball Match Seeger Gym
5:00 pm Football Pre-Game Festivities Gamblin Field
* Introduction former HC Queens
* National Anthem
* Crowning of 2011-2012 HC King & Queen (half time)
TSD vs John Paul II Catholic High School
5:30 pm Football Game – Gamblin Field
General information: chris.hamilton@tsd.state.tx.us
booths/Vendors: malcolm.freeland@tsd.state.tx.us
*Guided Tours: Contact ercod@tsd.state.tx.us or 512-462-5329
* $10.00 – Adults
* $5.00 – Senior Citizens over 64, TSD HS students & Non-TSD students
* $3.00 – TSD MS students
* Free – TSD Elem & Kids Five or Under
* $1.00 – Program Book
Shuttle Bus Service
Bus will run from 9:45 am til 30 mins after the game. Parking on campus is
not available (except handicapped/disabled with valid sticker). Please take
advantage of complimentary shuttle service from: One Texas Center (South
First St. at Barton Springs)
Home Side Seating
Seating is limited on the home side bleachers. Please be aware that if you
have a seat on the home side, reserve your seat if you wish to keep it.
VENDORS: Booth setup will be from 8:00 am – 9:30 am and the mall area needs
to be clear by 9:30 am.
Download TSD Homecoming 2011 (PDF format)