Deaf Dog Grace – Home Wanted

Deaf Dog Grace – Home Wanted

Grace is a beautiful all white 8 month old American Pit Bull Terrier. Please
don’t stop reading now; this dog will change your life. My husband found
her at the Palo DuroMeat Packing plant in Hereford. She was starving (both
physically and emotionally) and came right up tohim when he called. She was
covered in nasty dirt and garbage gunk and you could tell that she just
wanted love. He sent me a text message with a her picture attached that
said, “Should I take her?” My response, “YES!! And feed that baby!”That
picture is attached to this e-mail. He brought her home and gave her a bath
and I had asked him when he was driving back in to Amarillo if she was deaf
and he said he thought so.

Most people don’t realize that white dogs that are not bred to specifically
be white are usually deaf. Some how the genes are linked. When they got
home he gave her a bath and sat in the floor to play with her until I was
able to make it home with more dog food (because we had ran out the night
before) and a kennel. We have two dogs ourselves, a female Boston Terrier,
named Dottie, and a female American PitBull Terrier, named Lily. Anyway, we
fed her small portions at a time so she wouldn’tmake herself sick (and she
will let you stick your hand IN the bowl of food without making a peep or
any hesitation. I tested this more than once since wealso have two little

After her belly was nice and full, we decided to introduce her to our
Boston. After a few sniffs and a couple odd paw movements the two were
running through the house playing like they had known each other forever. We
let them calm down and put Dottie in the kennel and introduced her to our
Pit Bull. Grace was a little more hesitant because Lily of course is bigger
than Dottie but in no time at all the two became more comfortable around
each other and have been doing OK since then. The only issue we have had
between our dogs and Grace: Grace can’t seem to sense when Lily’s patience
is running thin and doesn’t know when enough playing has been enough and
Lily will let out a low growl (that Grace can’t hear) and that is OUR
queueto separate the puppies so no harm is done.

Grace is becoming more use to the kennel but she still does not like it. I
think she would be more comfortable with a bigger kennel but I was only able
to buy what was available at the time. She seems to have a lot of
separation anxiety, which is completely understandable knowing what type of
situation we found her in. I would prefer her to go to a home where she can
be with her owners as much as possible (whether they stay at home a lot or
are able to train her to go places with them). Another reason I want her to
always be with someone is because I do not want her leftin a yard for an
extended period of time for two reasons: One, If she is somehow able to
escape the yard, she can’t hear a car horn in the road. Two, She will
SUNBURN, her poor nose eyelids and ear would turn to a crisp and her body
would burn too. She is FULL of love and has a great big heart and loves to
have her belly rubbed.

She is FANTASTIC with my two children (ages 4 and 7) and is naturally
curious (trying to break her habitof getting up on the cabinets to take a
peek around). The food we have her on seems to be doing wonders for her
health, as she already looks a million times better than before. She is
still getting the hang of potty training (If you stick to a good schedule
she seems to be ok but slips up every once in awhile).

She has been a blessing to our home and if we only had one other dog we
would not hesitate to keep her but two is enough and I would hate for
something to happen to her if I were not around to hear for her when she is
with the other dogs and I want to her to get more attention then my family
and myself are able to provide. Please PLEASE help me find this wonderful
girl a home. I know she came to us by the Grace of God to find her what she
needs and I want to make sure she gets it. I love her so much (I am crying
as I write this), and want the best for this big ball of joy. I know my
heart will ache when she is gone but I know it will be for the better.

Location: Amarillo, Texas

If interested in this deaf dog, please email at ASAP

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