** NOTE: Incorrect date have been updated; Should be February 2012 not September 2011 **
Sign Language Interpreter Training Program
Tyler Junior College
Ethics Extravaganza
By Brandon Morgan & Rachel St. John, M.D.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. (Lunch on your own)
TSID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities.
This professional Studies program is offered for .6 CEUs at the “Some
Knowledge” Level. Target Audience: Interpreters interested in increasing
effectiveness in cultural mediation & ethical practices in medical
BEI .6 Ethics CEUs Pending
RID .6 Ethics CEUs Pending
Workshop/Course Description:
Morning Session: Maintaining role while providing effective cultural
mediation can be a nerve-wracking task. How do I know if this is in my
purview or if I’m stepping outside the boundaries of the Code of
Professional Conduct? During this session, participants will explore how to
approach the “gray area” that exists when mediating the two cultures in
interpreters work. An analysis of the cultural disparities will be performed
in conjunction with a look at common mistakes made by interpreters while
navigating cultures. The goal of this workshop is to help participants avoid
making decisions based on intuition alone. Instead, through group discussion
and case studies, attendees will develop an approach to mediating culture
that supports the full interaction and independence of the consumer.
Afternoon Session: This is an interactive and dynamic workshop. Focus will
be on the ethical considerations that must be taken into account when
considering the specialty of medical interpreting. Practical applications
of national standards of practice will be explored, and attendees will
participate in dynamic discussions in order to troubleshoot ethical
challenges in real-world interpreting scenarios.
Tyler Junior College Apache Rooms (Rogers Student Center off Baxter St.)
1400 Fifth Street
Tyler, Texas (physical address)
Cost: By February 26, 2012
*Students $20
All Others $30
After February 26, 2012
*Students $25
All Others $35
*must include valid student ID
Contact: Rhonda McKinzie, Dept. Chair for more info, cancellation policy, &
if you need reasonable accommodations. Presentation is in Spoken English.
Email: rmck@tjc.edu
Phone: 903-510-2774
Download flyer & registration form: (PDF format)