Interpreter Workshop: Peer-to-Peer Collaboration – DFW
Saturday February 4, 2012
Presented by, Mike McMillion
Talk About Your Work: A Peer-to-Peer Collaboration
.6 CEUs Requested
“How was that?” Interpreters often ask themselves this question during and
after an assignment. How do you talk about your work? What questions do you
ask? What would other professional colleagues have to say about your work
product? This collaborative session will afford participants the opportunity
to openly and freely talk about their work product. Feedback and mediated
questioning designed to aid the interpreter with thinking about the
processes of the texts as well as peer-to-peer discussion will be the main
format of the workshop.
ATTENTION! How many CEUs do YOU need?
Mesa High School
8041 Gibbs Drive
CHECK IN: 8:30am
START TIME: 9:00am
END TIME: 3:30pm
LUNCH: 12-12:30pm
(PRE-Pay for your $8 box lunch from Jason’s Deli or bring your own)
Early Registration Ends January 27, 2012
Kim Hein
Work: 817-231-4006
Cell: 817-690-6175
Download flyer & registration form: (PDF format)