Austin Bass Club of the Deaf’s Fundraising Event
The Newlywed Game
February 18, 2012 – Saturday (Not Feb 17th!!)
Austin Deaf Club opens at 6:30 PM
The game will begin at 8:00 PM, Please come early to reserve your seat!
Fun! Laughs!
Couple $6.00; Single $5.00
We need four brave married couples!
Four couples complete to find out who really knows each other the best.
First, the ladies are asked the quesstions and then the men. Bringing
them back together for the final is when the fun begins!
Don’t miss out the fun entertainment!
Proceeds will go to benefit the ABCD’s 2013 National Bass Tournament
Prize for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places!
Cookies and punch will be served.
Door prizes!
We will screen if we get more than four couples. They need to be
married in order to be eligible. Deadline February 11, 2012
Please contact ABCD’s Chair, Deb Kuglitsch, if you are interested in
participating in the game or for more information at