Deaf Advocacy and Support Group 4/12/2012 – Houston

Deaf Advocacy and Support Group 4/12/2012 – Houston


My Medicaid Matters

HCIL strongly encourages you to come to our Deaf support team meeting on next Thursday, April 12th, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., to discuss the issue of Medicaid and people with disabilities and the My Medicaid Matters Outreach and Education Campaign

What would members of the Deaf and HOH community do if Medicaid were greatly reduced or eliminated? It could happen. That’s what a lot of politicians are saying. What if Medicaid is reduced or lost, what would you do? Do you have enough money for health care and hospital bills? If Medicaid is reduced or lost, Deaf and HOH could lose funds to cover sign language interpreters, too. We know that some of us have difficulty existing on Medicaid assistance now. You definitely must come. Come and share YOUR STORY. There is power in a collective group of Advocates.

People with disabilities have the highest unemployment rate because of discrimination and lack of affordable accessible training opportunities in America. The support team can help you and all in the Deaf community who must have Medicaid to just live!

We need to Speak Up and Advocate Now. Come learn how to organize and become united and empowered through the support team meeting next week.

I hope to see you on April 12, 2012, at 1:00p.m. till 3:00 p.m., at HCIL. Contact me to let me know you care about Medicaid and the life support it gives those who need it the most.

Darla Connor
Independent Living Specialist/Deaf Services
Houston Center for Independent Living
Direct VP (832) 431-3786

Download brochure – Outreach and Education: (PDF format)

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