End of Year Picnic 6/2/12 – Houston
WEBSITE: http://www.ghid.tsid.org
GHID End of Year Picnic and Elections
Deaf and Hearing community members are all welcome!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
12:00 noon ’til 3:00
Elizabeth Baldwin Park
1701 Elgin
Houston, Texas 77004
Bring your own picnic lunch, GHID will provide Ice Cold Watermelon,
Soft Drinks, water, and cake! We are going to have a kickball game, so
get your team together and join us! All interpreters, interpreting
students, and their friends and families are welcome.
We will also conduct Board elections. We are seeking nominations for
the following positions (Deaf and hearing members can both be
1st Vice President
We are also looking for interested candidates for the following board
appointed positions:
Fundraising Committee Chair
2nd VP
Communications Committee Chair (needs to be tech savvy) – We REALLY
need this position filled!!!!
Please Email nominations to [email protected]
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
CONTACT TELEPHONE #: 832-326-3367