Signs2go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC presents the 3rd Saturday Workshop for OCTOBER 20, 2012
“Focus on Science and Social Studies”
Time: 10:00a-5:00p
Presenter: Phyllis Bullon
Narrative: This workshop will explore a variety of sign choices for the subjects of science and social studies. The social studies portion will include signs for the additional topic of Terrorism. There will be opportunities for “hands up,” the use of mixed media, discussion of established signs, as well as alternative ways to present the information.
To register/pay for October’s workshop or for general/additional information, please go to:
This workshop is limited to 18 attendees. We will not be accepting “pay at the door” attendees on this workshop. All registrations must be in by Wednesday October 17, 2012 by 5:00pm.
This is the last workshop offered this year!
This workshop will be followed by the last 3rd Saturday Silent Social/Pot Luck for this year from 7:00p-12:00a. This month’s theme: Mexican food.
I have a GREAT!!! Mental Health workshop in negotiations for January or February of 2013. Still trying to lock down specifics and reduce the cost.
Phyllis S. Bullon- President
Signs 2 go Interpreting & Support Services, LLC
(W) 817-294-7446
(C) 817-715-8025