UPDATED: Working with Deaf Interpreters workshop – DFW

DFW Workshop Announcement:

Working with Deaf Interpreters

Presenter Alicia McClurkan, Native ASL user/Deaf Interpreter

February 22, 2014

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (one hour lunch on your own)

RID CEUs .5 approved BEI CEUs .5 pending

NEW Location Change:
3720 Millswood Dr.
Irving, Texas      
Workshop Description:
This workshop will provide an overview of the history of deaf interpreting and the theoretical applications of why we need deaf interpreters in the field of interpreting. The workshop will introduce students, interpreters, and deaf participants to the process of deaf and hearing (DI/HI) team interpreting, discuss the ethical implications for having or not having deaf interpreters, and apply practical knowledge of DI/HI teams. Participants will discuss ethical scenarios and have hands on opportunities to experience teaming and working with deaf interpreters.  All proceeds will be used for the training and mentoring of deaf interpreters. RID and BEI CEUs approved. 
Open to Interpreters, students of interpreting, teachers of the deaf and interpreters, and the deaf community. Space limited to 30 registrants. Walk-ins welcome space is not guaranteed, RSVPs are recommended. 

*****Workshop in ASL ONLY***** Interpreters/accommodations provided upon request only.

Please note the deadlines below.

Deadline for mail in registration and interpreter requests/accommodations is February 14, 2014.

Notification for workshop cancellation to participants is February 19, 2014.

Working Interpreters/Teachers- $50,  Students- $15 (Increases $5 after 2/14-at the door only)  Deaf Community- $10   
Send Registration/Payment to: Payable to CSDM Associates, LLC c/o Darlea Wilbeck, 4302 Woodcrest Lane, Dallas, TX 75206. Must be postmarked by 2/14/14, others pay at the door day of workshop.
For questions regarding the workshop or registration please contact Deb Martinez, 617-784-7796, deb.martinez@me.com

CEUs BEI and RID Approved .5ceus

Link to flyer: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/67496147/Workshops/DIwrkshp%202.22.14%20Flyer.pdf (PDF)

Questions contact Deb Martinez 617-784-7796 or deb.martinez@me.com

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