4th Biennial International Mind, Brain and Education Society Conference – DFW


Fourth Biennial International Mind, Brain and Education Society Conference

An interpreter will be provided, please contact Kenneth Foster ASAP! (see below) 

November 6-8, 2014

The Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel

Fort Worth, Texas

Sponsored by: University of Texas at Arlington

Supported by National Science Foundation

Under grant # DRL-1434973

The fourth biennial conference of the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society will provide a forum to explore exciting new advances in the emerging field of Mind, Brain and Education.

The IMBES conference encourages and supports collaborative work among cognitive and developmental scientists, educators, neuroscientists, and policy makers. These efforts can generate new insights into behavior and the brain as they inform both educational practice and new scientific investigations.


The conference begins on Thursday, November 6, at 5:00 P.M. The opening session will be followed by a get-acquainted reception sponsored by UTA President Vistasp Kharbari.

Friday and Saturday will offer workshops, symposiums, poster sessions, and opportunities for discussing pertinent issues that emerge at the intersection of mind, brain and education.

A complete schedule is available at http://www.imbes.org.

We hope that we have a representative from the deaf community. Those who have questions or who are interested in attending can notify my professor, Evguenia Malaia (malaia@uta.edu) or Kenneth Foster (CODA) (kenneth.foster@uta.mavs.uta.edu). We will arrange for an interpreter.

She has a special interest in how the native deaf learn and perceive. She has written several scholarly articles about it. She will be a facilitator at the conference.


Download 2014 IMBES Conference Brochure at Fort Worth (PDF)


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