The training is free to all that attend. CEU’s for accreditation for Law Enforcement, Registered Sanitarian and Code Enforcement is available. We will like for you to join TEHA, but no membership is required.
Location: Maude Cobb convention complex – Eitelman Room Address: 100 Grand Blvd, Longview, TX
Thursday Sept. 15, 2016 8:30AM to 12PM John Ockles – Illegal Dumping of Solid Waste
1:30PM to 5:00PM John Ockels – Illegal Dumping of oil / Gas waste and tires
Friday Sept. 16, 2016 8:30AM to 10AM – Criminal Vs Civil – Daniel Ray – Attorney
10AM to 12PM Right of Entry into Private Property – Daniel Ray – Attorney
1:30PM to 5PM – Health, Safety/Personnel & Hands on Illegal Dumping – Field
Walker County Sheriff, Robert Knight, and Andy Isdell
Registration Form: RSVP tehamembership@outlook.com questions, call 903 535 0758
Name: ________________________________________________ Phone # () __________________
Agency/Employer: ____________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________ Date/dates attending: ____________
Please pass this on to all Justice of Peace, Constables, Police, Judges, Prosecuting Attorneys, Sheriff and Code Office, RS, REHS, etc.