Whether you call it anger, frustration, exhaustion or burnout, we all experience emotional and physical strains which may tempt us to give up and cry out “I QUIT”. We will explore challenges and temptations and will uncover helpful ways to view and handle them by considering interpreting roles, values and approaches to decision making, identifying danger zone, and determine means of maintaining ethical and biblical practices.
“Have Passport – Will Travel” will share adventures and insights from a traveling interpreter’s perspective and many lessons learned. Your expectations and physical and mental stamina may be challenged when you embark into the work of interpreting in other lands and cultures. Learn how to establish right expectations, live and work in a foreign environment, pack smart, prepare well, interact and succeed as a traveling interpreter. Ethical and interpreter behavior using the expanded CPC as the driving force will be discussed.
Email [email protected] for more information or additional registration forms.
Note: after the fliers were made, HHSC/DARS – DHHS/BEI gave us the full 1.0 CEUs approval.
Our RID sponsor split the CEUs to be .7 Ethics and .3 General. When I talked to RID they said that while the idea of Ethics was discussed at conference, the requirement has not yet been implemented.