Austin Cops Bullied A 90 lb Deaf Girl

Austin Cops Bullied A 90 lb Deaf Girl

Press Release – Austin, TX – 08/23/2010


Of interest to editors and journalists covering: Courts, Police Brutality,
Lawyer, Law, Defense Attorney, Deaf, American Sign Language, ASL

Austin, Texas.

Austin Cops Bullied A 90 lb Deaf Girl

Austin, Texas – August 23, 2010. A young Deaf Austin woman was arrested last
June for resisting arrest when she and her girl friend were walking down an
Austin sidewalk. She and her friend were in a discussion using ASL when an
APD officer saw them and mistook them for physically fighting. As they
walked on, the officer yelled for them to stop. When they would not, he ran
after them and grabbed the girl who was Deaf. As he began talking to them,
using spoken English only, the young Deaf girl began trying to call 911 on
her cell phone.

The officer started yelling for her to stop as she walked away from him. He
then ran after her, grabbed her, and threw her to the ground, injuring her
leg and ankle as well as a pre-existing wrist fracture, knocking her hearing
aid out, and her glasses off.

The officer then arrested her by handcuffing her with her hands behind her
back and putting her in the back of his patrol car—all the while ignoring
both her and her girl friend of the fact that she was Deaf. EMS was called
to evaluate the young woman for her injuries. The entire incident lasted
more than three hours and is captured on videotape. At no time did the
officer or the two responding officers attempt any type of communication
with her nor was an interpreter called.

Upcoming Court is scheduled for:
August 25, 2010 – 9:00AM
County Court of Law #5
509 W. 11th Street,
Austin, TX 78701

About Amber D. F. Elliott
For more information on the case, or go online, visit or email [email protected]

Media contact:
Amber D. F. Elliott
[email protected]
Phone: 512.628.2508

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